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dogsportmag.eu: TO THE TOP & FOLLOW THE LEADER

Просмотры: Добавил: Sweta Sweta 
Описание материала:

EURO DOG SPORT MAGAZINE http://dogsportmag.eu/This is a promo(introduction) video to make a little more clear ideas about these two section of EURO DOG SPORT MAGAZINETO THE TOPIn this "section" EURO DOG SPORT MAGAZINE have selected young talented handlers from all dog sports : one for Agility ,one for canicross, one for dog dance, mondioring , sheep dog... We will follow the selected handlers in almost all competitions that their will enter . We will follow the carrer through the webpage!http://dogsportmag.eu/2011/06/09/to-the-top/FOLLOW THE LEADERIn this section dogsportmag.eu will follow the "adventure" of a good competitor (that have something special) through the competitions , seminars and more...This section is intended to inform people about the vicissitudes of people of great talent who made ​​the history of the world dog sports that never go unnoticed . Handlers that never go unobserved, maybe for their talent , maybe for their determination or maybe for their results.http://dogsportmag.eu/category/people/follow-the-leader/

Язык: Русский
Длительность материала: 00:04:12
Автор: memodogblog

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